Home Remedies for Whiter Teeth

how to naturally whiten teeth

There are many ways on how to naturally whiten teeth. There are dental procedures which could be done by your dentist, and there are also cheaper and easier ways to do it. White teeth do not only make a person look younger, it also makes a person gain more confidence. There are a lot of home remedies for whiter teeth. You do not need to buy the most expensive and best toothpaste to whiten teeth anymore when you already have the best remedies at home. Most people say that the natural and organic ways are the best ways. Here are some teeth whitening tips and tricks you can do at home.

The most popular way on how to naturally whiten teeth is by baking soda. Baking soda is known to really help in teeth whitening because it removes stubborn stains on teeth. You may brush your teeth with baking soda alone or mix it with other teeth whitening extracts like lemon juice. What you should do is first brush your teeth with your regular toothpaste. After brushing your teeth, get a pinch of baking soda and mix it with one lemon juice drop and massage the mixture to your teeth. You should do it daily after you brush your teeth to get the best results. You may add other useful natural acids to add to the baking soda and brush or massage it to your teeth regularly.

Another way on how to naturally whiten teeth is by strawberries. Note that you should not brush your teeth with these strawberries. What you should do is after eating strawberries; you should wait for 20 minutes or more to make the acid of the strawberry shield the enamel of your teeth.

After eating or drinking food and beverages such as tea, coffee, soda, tomato sauce, and juice you should always remember to brush your teeth after. You should also avoid bad habits such as smoking and drinking because they badly stain the teeth. Yes, there are tons of home remedies for whiter teeth, but it is always best to prevent staining your teeth before anything happens.

Before buying any dental products, make sure you understand the pitfalls but also the expected results.  Some dental products, services and procedures can have side effect or irreversible repercussions so research carefully. For the most up to date information, please visit home remedies for whiter teeth.